Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
> Care for full, half and social orphans: 230 orphans in Ethiopia, Uganda and Bolivia
> Adventist education for the young and young at heart: 2060 students in Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda and Brazil
> Evangelizing the surrounding community in word and deed: 481 baptisms in 2023
> 297 hectares of agriculture and forestry: vegetable and fruit cultivation, honey, milk, eggs, fish, animal husbandry.
> Agricultutural school in Rwanda
> School for self-supporting missionaries in Brazil
> Handicrafts: bakery in Ethiopia, tailoring in Rwanda and Bolivia, carpentry and bakery in Bolivia
> Health promotion in Brazil: educational and spa programs
Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
Copyright © 2021 L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V.
ASI Deutschland, Österreich und Portugal
VAB (Verband adventistischer Basisgruppen)