Donation options

Donations by direct debit

Make a donation via a SEPA direct debit mandate and automatically receive an annual donation receipt next January.

Donations by direct debit

Choose your donation target or give your donation for free disposal for the most urgent project. Thank you for your help!
Donate now

Donate with PayPal

You can donate easily with PayPal. Click on the "Donate" button and follow the steps.

Donate with PayPal

You can send money directly via your PayPal account or click on the button:

Sponsorship: a personal way to help

Child sponsorship

With a fixed amount, you give a child a loving home, medical care and access to education.

Child sponsorship

A child sponsorship is tax-deductible and can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.
Sponsor a child

Village sponsorship

With a fixed amount per month, you can help a children's or school village of your choice to finance daily village activities.

Village sponsorship

A village sponsorship is tax-deductible and can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.
Sponsor a village

Our donation accounts

DE17 5065 0023 0034 2222 24
AT78 3400 0045 0440 5809
CH17 0900 0000 1570 8784 8
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