Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. received a grant of 1,000 euros from the Town & Country Foundation for its remarkable commitment to young people from the structurally weak rural areas of Rwanda.
With an agricultural school in the district of Kigarama, Rwanda, the association has been committed to the education of young people since 2016. The aim is to give young people a better future after graduation. Foundation Ambassador Andrea Kaiser presented the symbolic donation certificate to the founding couple of the association, Mr. and Mrs. Kowoll, in the presence of Mayor Stefan Erb.
L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. has set itself the task of building and maintaining Christian children’s and school villages for orphans and other socially disadvantaged young people in various parts of the world.
True to the motto “Help for self-help”, the aim of the association is to ensure that young people are able to earn their own living after completing their education in the children’s villages. In 2016, an agricultural school was opened in the Kigarama district of landlocked Rwanda to provide education in the agricultural sector. Currently, 114 students are being taught. The school includes a teaching farm with gardening, fruit growing and silkworm breeding. Dairy cattle and chickens are kept. In this way, the young adults can gain practical experience and at the same time graduate from the agricultural school with a university entrance qualification, so that they have good prospects for the future when they leave the children’s village.
“L’ESPERANCE children’s villages are designed as help-for-self projects. For example, a total of 1,047 children and young people live and learn in the oldest L’ESPERANCE children’s and school village in Ethiopia,” said Paul Kowoll, founder of L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. “We also want to promote the education of the young people in Kigarama in order to pave the way for them to a better professional future,” Edith Kowoll explained further.
With the foundation award, the Town & Country Foundation supports the important work and tireless commitment of all employees and volunteers of L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. The donation will be used to finance the education of orphans from Kigarama, Rwanda. “I am pleased that through the sponsorship we can help the children and young people from Kigarama to stand on their own two feet,” said Andrea Kaiser, ambassador of the Town & Country Foundation and managing director of Kaiser Eigenheim in Gelnhausen, about the project.
For the seventh time in a row, the Town & Country Foundation is awarding the Town & Country Foundation Prize for the benefit of disadvantaged children and young people. This year’s donation pot includes funding totaling almost 600,000 euros. Nationwide, 500 charitable institutions and projects will be supported with 1,000 euros each. In addition, one outstanding project per federal state will be awarded an additional grant of 5,000 euros each. This final award will take place at the Town & Country Foundation Gala in fall 2019.
About the Town & Country Foundation:
The Town & Country Foundation was founded in 2009 by Gabriele and Jürgen Dawo and uses the Foundation Award to support charitable institutions that help disadvantaged, sick and disabled children and young people. Thanks to the commitment of the Town & Country license partners, the foundation is able to support needy children and families every year and is happy to welcome further supporters.
For more information on the Town & Country Foundation, visit www.tc-stiftung.de
Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
Copyright © 2021 L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V.
ASI Deutschland, Österreich und Portugal
VAB (Verband adventistischer Basisgruppen)