Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
In February 2011, L’ESPERANCE-Bolivia received a request from the Youth Welfare Office of Entre Rios (a city near Santa Cruz) to take in 8 children. Since the new social parent will not be hired until the end of April, we actually do not have sufficient human resources. Nevertheless, our orphanage director found a way and took the social orphans into his home. His wife and he are now lovingly taking care of the children until the newly built family home can be occupied at the end of April.
For these 8 children we are still looking for sponsors. We will be happy to provide you with details about the orphans and our sponsorship program.
Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
Copyright © 2021 L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V.
ASI Deutschland, Österreich und Portugal
VAB (Verband adventistischer Basisgruppen)