Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
Since January 2020, Théomistoclès Turihokubwayo is back in Kigarama. We are pleased that he has resumed his activities as Managing Director. Albeit under more difficult conditions.
Since his accident in November 2018, Theo has been confined to a wheelchair. We have therefore made the paths in Kigarama barrier-free.
Theo himself lost both parents in the Rwandan genocide. He was nine years old at the time. He is happy to be able to work for young people. The fact that God preserved his life in the bus accident in which several died has confirmed him in his calling.
Wir bei LESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V. wollen Waisenkindern die Wärme und Geborgenheit einer Familie schenken.
Copyright © 2021 L’ESPERANCE Kinderhilfe e.V.
ASI Deutschland, Österreich und Portugal
VAB (Verband adventistischer Basisgruppen)